Monday, August 25, 2008

Autumn in Summer

What's wrong with the weather in this country? It is not a lie to say that we had no summer this summer in Estonia. Oh yes, about 2 weeks in July but apart from this, temperatures have not high higher than 20 degrees for a long time. Since June, the weather has been rather fresh and wet! At least swamps and grass are happy, all the happier as the sun is sometimes showing its face for about 10 minutes just to give them the light they need to grow.

Today, as you can see on the picture, it is raining and 18 degrees. I have to wear a jacket and a t-shirt with long leaves in August...

The only thing we are hoping for now is to have summer is autumn.

2 comments - React:

Marianne said...

Yes, poor summer we 've had ,in France too !!
Waiting for Indian Summer now , here too !

Anonymous said...

C'est clair que ce ne fut pas un grand été. Les années précédentes on se baignait dans la mer au mois d'août!! Ce mois-ci, 30°c au départ de Toulouse, 10°C à l'arrivée à Tallinn...heureusement pas de pluie! Le temps est détraqué; l'hiver dernier ne fut pas tres froid (pour un hiver estonien :D)...que nous reserve le prochain? Steph