Monday, July 20, 2009

Estonia is one of the most expensive countries in East Europe

By Marit Kelgo @ EFP

Estonia in after Slovenia is the most expensive country among East and Central Europe countries as shown by Eurostat´s consumer price index yesterday.

The most expensive amongst European member states was Denmark where the prices where 41% higher than European average. Denmark was followed by Ireland (27% higher than average) and Finland (25% higher than average).

Amongst Central and East European countries the most expensive prices for goods were in Slovenia (17% lower than EU average), followed straight by Estonia, where the prices are 23% lower than average. Then comes Latvia (25% lower), Czech Republic (28 % lower), Hungary and Slovakia (both 30 % lower).

The lowest prices in EU are in Bulgaria (49% lower from average), Romania (38% lower), Lithuania (33%) and Poland (31% lower).

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