Snow came last week in Estonia and we finally thought that winter would be following. However, only rain came and warmer temperatures, together with the darkness.
It is now rainy, dark with no forecast of any sunny day during that week once again. That will be now several weeks we haven't seen the sun! At least snow would help to make things nicer.
Où est passé le soleil "estonien"?
La neige est finalement arrivée la semaine dernière en Estonie et nous pensions que l'hiver suivrait. Cependant, seule la pluie a suivi en même temps que la pénombre.
Le temps est maintenant pluvieux et les prévisions n'annoncent ni de neige, ni même le soleil. Cela fait maintenant plusieurs semaines qu'il n'a pas fait son apparition au-dessus du sol estonien!
2 comments - React:
I just googled up "estonian sun" and this post came up first in the list of the results. That makes me think that nobody before you have ever put those two words together, lol! It's just like in this local joke that I heard a long while ago. One Estonian asks another one: "How did you spend last summer?" and the guy replies: "I was in the office whole day".
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