Ansip: I didn’t promise that we will have Euro in 2011
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has pointed out that he has not made a promise that Estonia would be converting to Euro in 2011 but that he promised to make sure that he will do everything possible to get Euro, aripaev.ee writes.
“Those, who are saying that the Prime Minister promised that Estonia will join the Euro zone in 2011, are wrong. The prime minister promised to do everything in his power to get Euro,” said ERR. According to Ansip it’s up to all of the heads of self-governing bodies, heads of hospitals, higher educational institutions and lots of other people to fulfill the government sector budget deficit’s requirements.
At the same time Ansip added that Estonia is very likely to fulfill those necessary requirements for joining the Euro zone. “We are definitely on track.”
SEB announced in yesterday’s economy prognosis that it is likely that Estonia won’t be able to join the Euro zone at the time they wish i.e. the year after next. Today the head of Nordea bank Vahur Kraft also stated that in his opinion Estonia will get Euro in 2013 or 2014.
Source: BBN
For info, some old quotations in Estonian made by M. Ansip, all saying that Estonia will get the euro in 2011... et voilà!
Ansip rõhutas, et praeguse seisuga usub ta kindlalt, et oleme valmis liituma eurotsooniga 2011. aastal nagu planeeritud. (27 Aout 2009)
Andrus Ansip: "euro tuleb tõenäoliselt 2011. aastal" (6 Sept. 2008)
Selle aasta viimase valitsuse istungi järgsel pressikonverentsil kinnitas peaminister Andrus Ansip, et euroga liitumine 2011. aasta esimesest jaanuarist on jätkuvalt reaalne (30 Déc. 2008)
2 comments - React:
It is too bad they are not securing the Euro. It would be such a great accomplishment if all of Europe could be under the same currency. Like say....Switzerland as well!!!
Estonia rules!
lies, are so usual and normal for those politicians.
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